Róisin Bradley

Tri-Age West Belfast

The sessions provided by Music Therapy Connections NI have greatly benefited both the service users and staff of our day centre.

We found the therapists to be extremely dedicated to what they do. They display a perfect balance between professionalism and personalisation. The music was age appropriate, and sessions were customised to meet the diverse needs of the different groups. The therapists treated each person with dignity and respect, always encouraging participation and involvement so that each group member could reach their own individual personal best. Music therapy has had quite a meaningful impact on the lives of some of our servicer users. They  loved the sessions, and it was amazing to watch them grow in confidence as they worked together as a group to make music.

The therapists have genuine joy in what they do, and this joy is infectious. We saw results immediately, and appreciate the fact that music can affect us like nothing else can. I would highly recommend the services of Music Therapy Connections NI.